Notice of Annual General Meeting  

The Calgary International Fringe Festival Society will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday, June 9, 2022, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in-person at the LANTERN COMMUNITY CHURCH located at 1401 - 10 Ave SE.  For those wishing to attend virtually, we will also be hosting the AGM via our Fringe Zoom Room.

We encourage all with an interest or passion in live theatre and the Fringe, to join us to learn about the Society and to help in setting the course for future festivals and events. 
The agenda will include, but not be limited to:  

  1. Call to Order

  2. Approval of Agenda

  3. Approval of Minutes from the 2021 AGM

  4. Review and Approval of Special Resolutions: Amended Bylaws

  5. Review of Reports:

    • Producer/Director

    • President

    • Treasurer (includes presentation of Year End Financial Statements)

  6. Election of Officers

We will be accepting nominations from the floor to fill any board vacancies for the June 2022 to June 2023 term.  Nominees must be prepared to present a quick, two minute oratory or speech as to why they should be considered for nomination to the board.

       7. New Business
8.  Adjournment 

Please RSVP with your intent to attend to:  Once your attendance is confirmed, an email with further details will be forwarded to you. The amended bylaws, 2021 audited financial statements, and any reports will be circulated to the registered attendees by Saturday, June 4, 2022.

NOTE:  you must be a FRINGER+ Member to vote and to nominate at an AGM.  The AGM will be recorded and used solely for the purposes of assisting in the proper transcribing and preparation of the minutes, after which the recordings are disposed of. 

Looking forward to seeing you! 

Hugs from the Calgary Fringe